New free Tech Support service

At Esade Alumni, we understand just how technology-dependent we have all become during the current situation, both for working remotely and for keeping in touch with our family and friends.

Therefore, in collaboration with Sosmatic, we have launched a new tech support service to help you solve any technological problems you may encounter during confinement. Even better, this service is totally free for you! Yes, you’ve read that correctly.

Here are just a few examples of the tech-related problems we can solve:

My laptop won’t turn on

I’ve lost all my photos

How do I install a VPN?

My files are encrypted!

How can I transfer my contacts from Android to iOS?

I can’t get Microsoft Teams to launch

I need a cloud-based backup

I can’t connect to the office

How does the service work?

Report your problem via the TECH SUPPORT PORTAL

Tech support staff will contact you by telephone WITHIN 1 HOUR to help solve your problem. As an Esade Alumni member, you are entitled to 1 FREE CONSULTATION PER WEEK. Available from MONDAY TO FRIDAY, FROM 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM.

No geographical limitations: we can help NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE
